Explaining Homeopathy with Quantum Electrodynamics

Explaining Homeopathy with Quantum Electrodynamics
The quantum universe- philosophical foundations and oriental medicine Abstract L’esistenza di principi universali sia nella scienza che nella medicina implica …
Quantum Information Medicine: Bit as It—The Future Direction of Medical Science: Antimicrobial and Other Potential Nontoxic Treatments ABSTRACT Si sono …
Electromagnetic information delivery as a new tool in translational medicine. Alberto F1, Mario L1, Sara P1, Settimio G1, Antonella L1. …
Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Disturbed Coherence: Gate to Cancer
New Theory Origin of Cancer Quantum Coherent Entanglement
Communication and the Emergence of Collective Behavior in Living Organisms: A Quantum Approach Le interazioni intermolecolari all’interno degli organismi viventi …